Sustainable Fashion

Fashion Is the biggest industry in retail and for those that love fashion, there is a sense of guilt that comes with contributing to the fast fashion society we now live in. Consumers are purchasing more fashion than ever with the manufacture of clothing growing and fashion houses turning over styles faster than ever. The cost of fashion has come down a huge amount in the past few years and populations are getting richer which allows them to consume more than ever.

All this consumption is contributing to pollution and resource consumption and as a result the health of the planet as a whole. It is estimated that the fashion industry is the second most contributor to pollution in the world and contributes at least 8% off greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. There is also estimates that over 60 per cent of clothing will either be sent to landfill or destroyed in incinerators.

To put into perspective the amount of resources that are consumed when producing clothing, it is estimated that to produce just one pair of jeans takes 10,000 litres of water. With such huge resources being consumed there is no wonder why there is a growing movement to being more environmentally conscious when buying clothes.
One of the ways that help combat the environmental damage is donating the clothes you no longer need to charity op shops but only donate clothes that can be resold.

For great fashion visit Connor and use a Connor Promo code for your puchase.

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